The Nerdiest and Trendiest Books Every Geek Should Read

Many are probably geeking over having their own library of fiction and nonfiction books at home. In a digital world, sometimes it is no longer practical to have a physical library when a hard drive or even a thumb drive can store thousands of titles. However, when the time comes that there is no electricity or internet, it is always best to have a physical book somewhere. Plus, there is nothing sweeter than the smell of a good old book as you flip through their pages.

Listed below are some of the trendiest, and yes, nerdiest books every geek out there should read.

The Giver by Louis Lowry

Dubbed the OG of young adult novels, The Giver presents the story of a supposed-to-be fully functional utopian society. The story follows Jonas, who willingly followed his role of being the Receiver of Memories during the Ceremony of the Twelve, where elders give the children their lifelong careers. He then discovers the dark intentions behind it and the degree of corruption surrounding their alleged happy and crime-free society. Emotions, feelings and how they affect decision-making and choices are central to this particular novel in a community where uniformity is given prime importance.

Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

Mainly considered as a children’s story, the Harry Potter book series follows the story of the eponymous character who, as a child, survived the attacks of Lord Voldemort. Growing up, he felt unwanted, but when he discovered he was a wizard, his world changed. While it is usually seen as a light read, those who see deeper would actually see situations that many adults can relate to, such as the untimely passing of loved ones and other personal struggles. Rowling credits her own experiences as inspiration for many of the novel’s plotlines.

Legend by Marie Lu

America is usually touted as the bastion of democracy in the world, where people could enjoy many rights and privileges, such as selecting their own insurance providers. In Marie Lu’s Legend, however, a totalitarian government rules over the Republic of America. Set in fortified Los Angeles, two fifteen-year-olds show just how divided the republic is: June Iparis is a wealthy prodigy, while Daniel “Day” Wing is a wanted criminal.

A Game Of Thrones by George R. R. Martin

While the series version is perhaps more famous, it is worth it to read the book series written by renowned writer George R. R. Martin. The books lend more depth of character. Reading the books also allows for an understanding of the character that is not usually depicted on HBO. Fans of J. R. R. Tolkien are definitely going to be hooked when glancing at the books. HBO also made a contract with the author as they reportedly gave him an eight-figure deal so long as he stops writing A Song of Ice and Fire. Of course, Martin would not confirm that, and his lawyers would probably pore over the details of the five-year agreement in detail.

The Stand by Stephen King

Those who are into dark fantasy novels will find The Stand very riveting. The novel’s plot centers on the weaponization of a strain of the influenza virus, which put the entire world in danger. The survivors established a new order and, at the same time, engaged in a confrontation with one another. King wanted to create an epic story set in contemporary America and based on the spirit of The Lord of the Rings. Given the excellent reviews received by The Stand, we can give credit to the author for creating a good mix of style and narrative.

The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien

Needless to say, any list of nerdy books would not be complete without The Lord of the Rings. This epic fantasy brings the readers to its own world, the Middle Earth, set in some distant past. It is actually a sequel to another Tolkien book, The Hobbit. He intended it to be a two-volume set, along with The Silmarillion, which his publishers rejected. This gave birth to the trilogy, to the pleasure of the readers. Film producers also made the right move to transform the books to the big screen. Their investments saw great returns when the movies earned $2.981 billion worldwide. Of course, watching the film is no substitute for reading all the Tolkien books.
