Bill Gates | Bombardier BD-700 | $40 Million

Bill Gates first became a billionaire a little over 30 years ago. Since then, he has made quite a several extravagant purchases. However, you might be surprised at what he considers to be his “craziest” investment just yet. No, it isn’t a magnificent property or acres of undeveloped land. In an interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Microsoft’s head honcho revealed that he considers his Bombardier BD-700 Global Express his biggest splurge. Considering his overall wealth, the $40 million price tag on the plane seems relatively meager.

The plane can seat a total of 19 people, which provides ample room for him and his family. Aside from its luxurious amenities, we must also consider the money he spends on fuel and maintenance for a plane of this size! However, it has served him well over the years, and Gates has been spotted taking it during both leisure and business trips.
