Bill Gates | Xanadu 2.0 | $127 Million

We know he drives around a Porsche and travels around the world in a multi-million dollar plane, but where does Bill Gates retire after finishing work? That would be his magnificent property in Medina, Washington, aptly named “Xanadu 2.0”. The name takes after the fictional home where Charles Foster Kane resided in the film Citizen Kane. The primary residence comes with 66,000-square-feet of living space, and as you would expect, it comes with state-of-the-art technology. Of course, it isn’t without creature comforts.

The home has seven bedrooms and a whopping 18 bathrooms, along with personalized climate control so each person can get the temperature they want wherever they might be in residence. Perhaps the best bit is the fact that it is eco-friendly, despite all the electricity it uses. Because it is an earth-sheltered home, it can regulate temperatures more efficiently.
