Mel Gibson – 65 Years Old

Mel Gibson’s name evokes a certain degree of respect, not just from his fans but also from fellow celebrities. That is because the actor has proven himself capable in many aspects of filmmaking, including directing, producing, and writing. However, one fact many do not know about Gibson is that he appeared in the movie Summery City, his first-ever, and was only paid $400. Now, of course, the noted action-hero actor is paid millions for a role.

Considering his net worth, it is actually alright if he retires from making more movies now–but did he? Gibson took a break for some time, but he did have several recent projects, including directing Destroyer, an upcoming film. He also talked about a sequel to The Passion of the Christ, which fans are already discussing online. People are also raving about his latest film, Force of Nature, which was released in 2020. So to answer the question, it appears the actor has no plans of slowing down yet.
